Monday 8 August 2016

Intro to Medicine, Behavior and Society Presentation Link

Dear Class,
Please find attached a presentation that provide an overview of the Medicine, Behavior and Society Course Click here for Presentation
The outline for the presentation:

Course description



Course weekly themes

Calendar Week/ Day by Day


Mind Map

Thursday 4 August 2016

Overview of Medicine, Behavior and Society

Hello Class!
Please find below the full four-week calendar for year one for the Module Medicine, Behavior and Society. I have included a short video to explain the different color-coded cells within the calendar presented. In the video you will find relevant information for the upcoming weeks as it helps you identify the different types of activities you will be responsible for attending.

Screencast video:

Sunday 31 July 2016

Banner Image for our Medicine, Behavior and Soceity Course

I am really having fun with my blog! I asked students about their expectations of the MBS course and pulled complete sentences from their introductions. Please find attached the words of at least 26 students of the 55 enrolled. This unique banner image has the UTRGV SOM logo, I think it looks pretty cool!
I also tweeted it on my account
The canva link: 
The tagul link:

Medicine, Behavior and Society. First week of Medical School in 3 words by 55 medical students.

It is with great honor and pleasure that I was the first lecturer for this course. We started promptly on Monday, July 25 and ended on Friday, July 29th.  A demonstration that words can define the first week of class for our course Medicine, Behavior, and Society for the UTRGV School of Medicine SUCCESS curriculum.
I asked all 55 students to give me three words of how they felt the first week of medical school and this is what they shared, depicted in this word tree.

Sunday 24 July 2016

Mind Map for Medicine, Behavior and Society - Week 1

A Mind Map is provided to look at the overall themes, resource sessions and activities for this course. The first week of MBS focuses on Doctoring Essentials which provide necessary concept as a foundation for become a holistic provider.

Friday 15 July 2016

MBS Pre-Course survey

We are conducting this pre-course survey to learn your level of interests in the topics being offered in this required course. This will help us prioritize topics based on your feedback. The survey should only take 10 minutes, and your responses are completely anonymous.

You can only take the survey once, but you can edit your responses until the end of the first week of class July 29th, 2016. Questions marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email me:

We really appreciate your input!

Course Description

The Medicine, Behavior, and Society (MBS) module explores the history, law, ethics, clinical, social and cultural contexts of medicine as well as human behavior. The course focuses on global issues such as the health care system and local issues such as border health. Students are introduced to important skills including effective communication, professionalism, research, and respect for cultural norms and values.  A hybrid course, learning activities occur in large and small groups as well as individually and include team-based learning and case-based analysis and discussion.  Proposed assessments include discrete point formative and summative activities and exams, simulations, oral and written assignments as well as self-assessments.

This module is a 6-week course dispersed between first (4 weeks) and second year (2 weeks) of a four-year medical school curriculum.